The operator is a device, which is able to automate the motion of a valve, on which it is applied, thanks to the rotation or translation of a specific organ. This organ will be controlled by compressed-air (in case of pneumatic operator), or by an electric engine (in case of electric operator).
More specifically, the operators are used in the ball- and butterfly valves, replacing the lever, the manual handle or the valve, allowing the valves’ automation, which need a distance control.
Which typologies of operators do we have?
The pneumatic operators can be characterised by single or double effect. The single effect-operators work, thanks to airflow only, and a back-spring (usually called “airflow opens/spring closes”). On the other hand, the double effect operators have two joints (one for the front chamber and one for the back one); in this way they allow the opening and closing with two airflows (usually called “airflow opens/airflows closes”).
Additionally, they can be vertical or horizontal. The horizontal operators are widely used whether with butterfly valves or with ball valves; moreover, they can be made of aluminium, tecnopolymer or stainless steel. The vertical operators are mainly used in the butterfly valves and are always made of stainless steel.